Practices put so much focus into their web pages, that sometimes the Google Text Ad portion gets overlooked. But the truth is, text ads are one of your most important marketing channels.

What is a text ad? When a patient submits questions to Google search, they are presented with a list of search result options. Sponsored ads from Google allow you to place a  300-character “Google Text Ad” to introduce the web page and try to win over the patient’s click. It's that simple.

We can't overstate how vital these text ads are for your marketing success.  Unless your text ad stands out and earns a click, patients will likely never make it to your website or landing page.

If you're running Google Ads, here are 4 tips for crafting converting text ads for your practice.

  1. Make It About the Patient: Talk directly to the patient within your text ads. Talk about their problems, pain points, and how your services can help them.

    Shift the focus away from your practice to what the patient can experience. For example, instead of saying: “We provide CoolSculpting”, think: “Permanently remove stubborn fat with CoolSculpting" to focus on the patient side.

    Highlight the benefits a patient can receive to earn more patient clicks!
  2. Mirror Search Phrases: The closer you can match what patients are typing into the search box, the more clicks you will earn!

    Including your patients' search phrases and keywords in your copy is a key way to signal Google to bring up your page. In addition to key phrases, include your location (and location extensions) to bring you up in local searches.

    Google Search Console can provide insight to commonly searched phrases. It lists commonly searched phrases and the number of times it was searched in a specified time frame. Typing into Google the first keyword will also give you insight into what people are looking for when they search for aesthetic treatments and providers.

    It pays to pay attention to what your patients are searching for!
  3. Include Numbers: Nothing grabs patients’ attention quite like numbers. Patients are quick to look at promotions such as “$100 off your first BOTOX treatment” or “20% off laser hair removal.”

    Numbers quickly validate your practice. For example, star rankings or awards such as being “#1 ranked med spa in Sacramento” are often more impactful than paragraphs of words trying to prove your value.

  4. Call to Actions: Tell patients what they should do. “Book today,” “Set up a consultation,” “learn more,” etc. are a few phrases that encourage action.  

    A call to action is even more effective if it includes time constraints. “Book Today! Discount Ends Monday” sets an expiring time expectation that spurs patients to act. This takes much more active management but pays off!

It doesn't matter how great your landing page or website is  is unless your text ad stands out and earns a click! Craft text ads that compel patients to investigate further and ultimately book!

At Med Aesthetics Group, we want to help your practice stand out. See for yourself how we help practices maximize their marketing to bring in new patients.