Semaglutide Marketing That Drives Revenue

Semaglutide marketing experts for in-practice and virtual providers. Introduce and offer Semaglutide and other weight loss injections. World class marketing that your brand deserves. Don't skimp on marketing in a very competitive space. Let us launch your program in just two weeks.

Our marketing combines world class marketing with a no nonsense revenue first approach utilizing e-commerce.

Partner with the experts in marketing for Semaglutide by scheduling a demo with us today.

Semaglutide Marketing for In-Practice or Virtual Practices

Crisp, clear marketing messaging that resonates with potential patients seeking weight loss with Semaglutide medication. Consumers demand easy to understand messaging the helps and guides them through enrollment. They have concerns about Semglutide. We have the experience to create a marketing program that drives qualified patients to you Semaglutide program.

Semaglutide Demand Continues to Soar

Is your Semaglutide marketing in place to convert the most revenue?

Semaglutide Marketing: Promoting the Weight Loss Wonder Drug

Demand for Semaglutide weight loss treatments continues to skyrocket. With celebrity endorsements and raving patient testimonials, it's no wonder that this medication continues to FLY off more and more med spa' shelves.

The results speak for themselves. For example, over half the participants in this study took Semaglutide alongside lifestyle changes and lost 15-20% of their body weight. Only a tiny fraction of the participants (2-5%) were able to achieve these levels of results with lifestyle changes alone!

These kinds of numbers are astonishing for those who have long-term wrestled with obesity and/or stubborn weight.  If your practice hasn’t incorporated this weight loss wonder yet, developing your Semaglutide marketing strategy might be the best move for your med spa.

Let's begin by looking into Semaglutide’s progression into the weight loss treatment scene and the facts behind its rise to fame.

P-Shot Marketing done right.
Semaglutide: The Diabetes Treatment Turned Weight Loss Revolution

For over 15 years, Semaglutide has been prescribed for Type 2 diabetes patients because of its insulin producing abilities. However, its significant weight loss side effects have recently attracted a much wider spotlight.

In the summer of  2022, Wegovy (one of the two original brand names for Semagultide) became FDA-approved for weight loss purposes. However, it came with the stipulation that patients need to display at least one weight-related medical condition to qualify (high cholesterol, Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, etc.).

Since then, Wegovy has regularly cleared itself off the shelves. According to the supplier’s website (Novo Nordisk), demand is growing at such a substantial rate that they foresee many patients struggling to fill their Wegovy prescriptions at least through September of 2023. With the limited supply, Novo Nordisk has paused key promotional efforts to try and limit interest. However, these efforts are doing little to dampen the soaring demand for all things Semaglutide.

With other Semaglutide treatments such as Ozempic and Monjauro on the horizon for FDA approval, it's only a matter of time until supply issues sort themselves out. In the meantime, it's a smart move for your med spa to begin prescribing when available and developing your Semaglutide marketing strategy into your med spa business plan.

We’ll now go over how deliberate website design, SEO, PPC, social media, emails, and text campaigns can all work together to build a strong Semaglutide patient base.   

5 Ways to Effectively Market Semaglutide
1. Convert Online: Website and Landing Pages

To build up a Semaglutide base, patients need access to your online booking paths. First and foremost, Semaglutide needs to be featured on your website.

Feature a  snippet about Semaglutide on your website’s homepage and in the header’s menu options. Both homepage mentions should be embedded with links to a Semaglutide-specific treatment page.

On the treatment page, you should dive deep into everything a patient might want to know about Semaglutide. Cover frequently asked questions, set expectations for before, during, and after the treatment, showcase visual results, and include patient testimonials. And of course, include easy booking paths to set up consultations.

In addition to your website, you should consider conversion-centered landing pages. When patients click an ad promoting Semaglutide, they should “land” on a landing page designed to guide patients to booking a Semaglutide treatment. Landing pages bypass distractions, and minimize an interested click turning into a “browse.” Instead, patients are set up to successfully book an appointment.

Patients are coming to the internet with their Semaglutide questions. Make sure your web pages are set up to successfully convert!

2. Get Ranked: Search Engine Optimization

It doesn’t matter how great your online Semaglutide content is if it never gets seen! Search engine optimization helps position your web pages to earn the highest Google ranking and the most clicks.

To improve your website’s visibility, here are a few key SEO adjustments you should incorporate. Tweaks like compressing your image size, putting keywords in your headers,  internally linking, optimizing for mobile, etc. signal to Google that your website is an AUTHORITY when it comes to Semaglutide.

The more you hone in on SEO, the more patients will see your Semaglutide content. Do what it takes to earn a front-row seat on Google search results!

3. Get Clicks: PPC Ads

Imagine you had struggled for years with stubborn weight. An ad stating that you could lose 15%-20% of your body weight is sure to attract your attention, and likely a click to learn more!

Pay-per-click ads can speak directly to a target weight-loss audience.  Market directly to patients who struggle to lose weight and live with limitations due to excessive weight. With up to 70% of the adult US population considered overweight or obese, this message can be welcome news for many looking for solutions.

Patients need different kinds of ads at different times. The aesthetics marketing funnel can help you develop ads based on the patient’s exposure to your med spa and understanding of Semaglutide treatments. For example, a patient's first interaction with Semaglutide or your med spa should be widely different than a returning patient already well versed in Semaglutide.

Many platforms offer free tools that help you segment your patients to deliver the best kind of ads. For example, Facebook marketing offers tools that hone in on an audience based on metrics such as behavior, interests, demographics, and lookalike audiences (finding those with similar characteristics to other Semaglutide patients).

Patients are looking for weight loss solutions. Develop compelling ads that earn clicks and bookings!

Semaglutide marketing on social media.
4. Build Peer Validation: Social Media

Another key way to build exposure and attract new Semaglutide patients is through social media marketing. Platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, and Youtube can foster a community designed for discovery, investigation, promotion, and ultimately, Semaglutide bookings.

Here are three approaches we suggest for your Semaglutide Social Media Strategy:

  • Jump on  Semaglutide’s Hollywood appeal!

    Semaglutide’s ongoing stream of celebrity endorsements continue to skyrocket popular demand. Feature celebrities' reviews of the treatment. People want in on the next big thing. Tap into the influencer appeal and watch your Semaglutide bookings exponentially increase.
  • Feature Local Results

    On a closer-to-home scale, showcase results from your current patients.  Deliver proof that your med spa’s Semaglutide treatments can deliver the results they’re seeking.  Instagram marketing can showcase patient testimonials and visually show the results with before and after pictures and video content. A referral from a friend or “someone like them” can be all it takes to trigger a booking!
  • Educate and Promote

    Many use social media as a discovery platform. Publish posts that inform and showcase your med spa’s expertise in Semaglutide. Feature your providers talking through FAQs and demonstrating the injection process. Video content is mesmerizing to interested patients and can break down many barriers to booking.

Social media can generate excitement and interest, unlike any other marketing channel. Develop your Semaglutide social media strategy to quickly boost your patient base.

5. Market to New & Existing Leads: Text and Email Marketing

Many potential Semaglutide patients are already on your subscriber lists. Run campaigns to gather internal interest for Semaglutide!

Depending on your supply, you can take a light or more intensive email marketing approach. Consider sending out feeler emails  to see who would be interested in receiving Semaglutide content. From there you can launch a series of educational emails overviewing the treatment, setting up booking paths (and potentially building up a waiting list!).

In addition to emails,  many text subscribers are sure to jump on any Semaglutide promotion. Remember, patients are quick to unsubscribe from text marketing that doesn't contain value. If possible, offer exclusive perks like special offers or first-to-know Semaglutide access.

Include Semaglutide content into your text and email channels to gain (and maintain!) more internal candidates!

Commit to a Semaglutide Marketing Campaign Today

On a small or large scale, Semaglutide can bring in a loyal patient base of satisfied patients who are THRILLED to find a weight loss solution that works for them.

With the right marketing, you can effectively spread the word about this weight loss miracle drug.

Through coordinated efforts on your website, paid ads, social media, and email and text channels, you can quickly build a loyal Semaglutide patient base. With your marketing channels running, you can sit back and watch  your med spa’s Semaglutide bookings and revenue soar.