Med Spa Design Ideas

Learn how to design your Medical Spa to be both beautiful and medically efficient.

Med Spa Design Ideas: 5 Best Practices for Your Interior Design

Your med spa's interior design is more than a “pretty face.” The environment of your practice directly impacts your patients’ experience and the performance of your team.

Think about the expectations surrounding the words “medical” and “spa.” Patients expect a level of professionalism and cleanliness consistent with a medical practice. Additionally, patients anticipate a  
spa, a space designed to help them reach their beauty and health goals, to also be beautiful and relaxing.  A balance of both of these expectations, beauty and medical efficiency, will validate to your patients that they are in the best hands. 

Simply put, the interior design of your physical practice should be a top priority.  Whether you hire design/brand consulting help or want to implement some design changes on your own, here are five med spa design ideas that deserve your attention.

Five Best Practices for Med Spa Interior Design
1. First Impressions: Reception Area

The importance of your patients’ first impressions can not be overstated.  

The moment your patients step into your reception area, their eyes should be drawn to an intentional focus point. Create a stylish neutral background that naturally directs your patients' eyes to focus on a space like your brand logo behind your front desk. Naturally directing your patients to where they need to go immediately puts them at ease. 

Avoid anything that creates a cluttered feel. Less is more. Don't overdo style choices such as table decor and artwork, but stick to a few intentional and natural pieces.

Create a welcoming environment for patients to wait with comfortable seating. Offer a TV display that takes advantage of your patient’s “waiting” time. A great video reel can get your patients off their phones and instead help educate and soft-sell treatments. 

Think about other brand touches that can improve your patient’s waiting experience. For example, complimentary drinks are appreciated. Soft music playing can also be a nice touch- as long as it's not too loud and matches your brand. 

Along with the in person experience, your reception needs training to create a welcoming and seamless experience over the phone. Using sample scripts and training with best practices in mind, you can equip your receptionists to
answer patient phone calls effectively.

Remember that your reception area is the perfect space to show your practice knows how to do beauty while also being inviting and comfortable. Make this space count!

Med spa design ideas begin with the  reception area.
2. Lighting, Lighting, Lighting!  

Often without our noticing, lighting does more to create a mood in space than almost any other factor. Be intentional on what purpose and mood you want to create with your lighting in the different rooms of your practice.

For example, procedure rooms should be well-lit with bright lights to best aid injectors. However, those same lights will feel utilitarian and harsh in your reception area. Instead, consider warmer entry lights. Additionally, accent lights that highlight different dimensions of your design detail can also create a nice touch--such as a light by your logo.

When it comes to bathrooms, place lights close to mirrors to create even, more flattering light instead of overhead lights that can cast long shadows.

A few intentionally modern light fixtures can go far in updating your practice to give it a stylish and new feel. Be intentional with your lighting!

med spa design ideas that help you make appropriate lighting choices.
3. Commit to a Color Scheme

Coming up with a color scheme that works with your overall branding and creates a welcoming environment is critical. Just like designing your website, you need to keep it simple. Just one or two colors can be enough for your space.

In addition to your branding colors, we suggest considering a white base.  White is in, and for good reason: it’s bright, modern, and feels clean.

That being said, all-white office space is not appealing. Instead, a white base is a perfect setup to highlight pops of accenting colors and various textures. For example, a brightly colored logo will stand out with a sharp finish on a white wall. A stylish wood piece or the use of various textures also can add understated richness against a white backdrop.

Also consider accent walls using your main brand colors. Accent walls  add dimension and help draw patients into a treatment room.

Keeping your color scheme simple and consistent goes far in achieving striking and effective design.

4. Choose Timeless Options

You may be wondering how much to rely on current style trends in designing your medical spa vs. going with more timeless options.

Realize that trends will constantly change over the years. Instead of baking all the latest design concepts into the permanent fixtures of your space (that would be difficult and expensive to change later),
add smaller trendy items. These items keep your practice in fashion but would not be painful to swap out later. For example, an accent chair or trendy vase is a better investment than a whole wall or flooring that may soon be out of style. 

By using a timeless base with trendy touches, you can create an interior environment that doesn't break your bank with constant makeovers, but can also be kept relevant with small updates.

med spa design ideas should have small trendy touches over a timeless base.
5. Design that “Makes Sense”

While the other areas have focused on mainly beauty elements, make sure that practicality also factors into all design decisions.

Be intentional with your space- every inch should be working for you! Logically allocate where things should go as you anticipate the needs of staff and patients. For example, nothing should be on display in the reception area that isn't meant for your patients (merchandise/products they can buy, information, reading materials, etc.). 

Your spa design needs to make sense for your staff as well. For example, keep loose objects, like decorative plants, outside of treatment rooms. It's not just about looks, it's about cleanliness and safety. 

Always anticipate future growth! If possible, plan storage that is bigger than your current needs to allow for
growing your practice.

Interior Design that Thrives for Your Medical Spa

Your interior design should match the quality and beauty of your treatment results.

Whether you are just
starting your own med spa, or if you are looking to revamp your current office, you can strike the balance between beauty and medical efficiency. By paying careful attention to your reception area, lighting, color scheme, style choices, and keeping your future growth in mind, you can design a space that keeps your patients returning time and time again.